Tablet Technology Helps Inmates Find CLI

Most inmates get connected to CLI through their chaplain, another inmate, or because of a donated book or Bible. We’ve also broken down a cost barrier by offering free postage for Bible study lessons. It’s been an exciting year so far seeing more inmates than ever participating in our discipleship program. However, we know that millions of people cycle through correctional facilities annually, so we are actively pursuing other strategies to engage inmates.

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Most inmates get connected to CLI through their chaplain, another inmate, or because of a donated book or Bible. We’ve also broken down a cost barrier by offering free postage for Bible study lessons. It’s been an exciting year so far seeing more inmates than ever participating in our discipleship program. However, we know that millions of people cycle through correctional facilities annually, so we are actively pursuing other strategies to engage inmates.

One engagement strategy that we are experimenting with is developing digital content for tablets. More and more states are utilizing tablets to deliver educational content to inmates. We see this as an opportunity to introduce our Bible study program to more men and women in prisons. Just like we place our stamp inside physical books that point inmates back to us, so also, we can distribute e-books that can spiritually encourage people and introduce them to our ministry.

Though we are in early stages of developing this strategy, we have already seen inmates become CLI students because they found us on a tablet. For example, Nathan, a student in Montana, started completing Bible study lessons after learning about the program on his tablet. He recently wrote to tell us what he enjoys most from our program:

“One of my favorite parts about each lesson are the personal applications. These questions always get me out of my comfort zone and to really get me to trust in the Holy Spirit. As I continue these lessons, I know God is using your obedience to greatly influence my life as well as those around me. The fruit I’ve seen through your encouragement and the power of the Holy Spirit working through me is nothing short of a miracle. One of the hardest obstacles to overcome is to see yourself as God sees you and to not be ashamed of the Gospel or your past.”

“Once again, I would like to give all of you at CLI my deepest THANK YOU! You will never know the impact on lives around the world you’ve had until we are all reunited in Heaven. Last but certainly not least, I ask that God continues to bless this ministry and all who are a part of it.”

Would you like to make an eternal difference for someone like Nathan? Volunteering with CLI Prison Alliance supports our mission to make disciples worldwide in prisons. Right now, more volunteers are needed to sort and stamp Christian materials, and we are always looking for Spanish-speaking individuals to review inmate lessons.

Get in touch with us today to setup individual or group volunteering by going to

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