Statement of Faith
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We believe in one true God who created the entire universe, all things seen and unseen. He is all knowing, all loving, and all powerful. We believe in the Triune God, three persons in one, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. The Triune God alone is worthy of all glory, honor, and praise. In prayer, we take time to acknowledge His wondrous characteristics and acts.
All have sinned and turned to their own way in disobedience to God.
Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary, fully human and fully God. He is the Son of God and the promised Messiah. Christ paid the penalty for our sins by dying on the cross. God the Father raised Him from the dead. He is our living Lord.
The only way to have a personal relationship with God and live with Him forever is to trust Jesus as Savior. We must repent of sin in our lives. God’s plan of salvation is a free gift through His grace and it can’t be earned or purchased.
Jesus Christ is the head of His Body, the Church, which is composed of all people living and dead who joined Him through saving faith. He is the head of Prison Alliance.
We believe that the Bible is the infallible word of the one true living God. We believe in the commandments within it, including the greatest commandments:
“Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
— Matthew 22:37-40
We endeavor to show a Christ-like love to all people through our lives, words, and actions. Because we love God and our neighbor, we wish to fulfill Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations.
We believe in the equality and essential dignity of men and women of all races, ethnicities, ages, and classes. We recognize that all people are made in the image of God and are to reflect that image. The Holy Spirit indwells those who belong to Christ and He conforms them to His image. All people are to use their God-given gifts in the community of believers, in the home, and in society for the glory of God.
We do not adhere to any one denomination but recognize the Holy Spirit’s movement and blessing in many different Christian churches and in the individual believer.