Chaplain Tip Harris and Patrick Nacogdoches, Texas County Jail
Tipton Harris is the chaplain of Nacogdoches County Jail in Texas. He has been part of our Boxed Book Program for around five years. It was four years ago that Chaplain “Tip” met Patrick, a 33-year-old inmate who was lost. Patrick had requested a visit from the chaplain. In their meeting, he began to explain that he had gone the way of the world, and it took being locked up to bring him to his senses about his life.
During their many visits, Tip opened the Bible to Patrick, showing him the verses which described God’s everlasting and unconditional love for us. It was in the magnifying of God’s love that Patrick began to see himself as God’s most beloved creation, made in His image.
The Holy Spirit had been working on Patrick’s heart. Eventually, and not reluctantly, Patrick saw his need for the Savior, and prayed to receive Christ for the forgiveness of his sins. A week later, a big Rubbermaid tub in the “Recreation Yard” was filled with water, and Patrick was baptized.
Patrick became extremely hungry for the Word of God. He met regularly with Tip about the passages of Scripture he had been reading. He always had pages and pages of notes. As Patrick grew in his faith, he knew he couldn’t keep it to himself, so he started a Bible study and prayer group in his dorm. His testimony and excitement stimulated the other men in his dorm to request meetings with Chaplain Harris as well. When Tip would meet with these men, they would say, “Patrick sent me.” Many of these men made a decision for Christ as well!
Tip would offer the donated Christian books that he received from Prison Alliance to Patrick to aid in his growth, and Patrick couldn’t get enough. He began to accumulate quite a collection of books in his cell, but the jailhouse rules stated that an inmate could only have four books at a time. Patrick had a small library!
One evening, the Lieutenant, a fierce ole gal, made her rounds through the dorm. She remarked, “Patrick, that’s quite a shrine of books you have there,” kindly nodded and moved on, no mention of removing the books.
The slow wheels of justice finally turned toward Patrick, and he was moved to another county jail. The chaplain and Patrick still correspond with one another. And Patrick continues to teach those around him about the everlasting and unconditional love of God for us.