Our 2021 annual Bible campaign has ended. Thank you helping us reach our goal of raising $50,000 to purchase Bibles for inmates! Read more about the customized CLI Life Recovery Bible below.

Bibles For Prisoners


Jesus prays in John 17:17, “Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth.” We echo that prayer for the thousands of inmates we minister to with Bibles, Christian books, and personalized Bible studies.

For 2021, we are setting our most ambitious goal yet for our annual campaign to raise money for Bibles. Our goal is to raise a total of $100,000 to purchase customized Life Recovery Bibles. A generous donor has pledged a $50,000 matching-gift, so all gifts up to $50,000 will be doubled!

Join us this Easter season to bring God’s truth to inmates across the country.

While everyone’s story is different, we have ministered to countless inmates struggling with grief, addictive behaviors, sexual brokenness, divorce, anger, and more. For some, the experience of being in prison has helped them as they are physically separated from some of the relationships or temptations that usually surround them. With the time and opportunity to study God’s word, inmates are discovering who God is and who He is calling them to be during their period of incarceration.

Kevin is an inmate in Texas struggling with addiction. He writes CLI,

“I’m in jail for drug possession and I’m still battling addictive thought patterns, but I have hope. I’ve learned one thing for sure; God never gives up on us. No matter what we’ve done or how many times we’ve failed, He is right there waiting with open arms.”

“I’ve made tons of mistakes, but I know that no matter what Jesus loves me. I know I can overcome my demons if I just listen to God’s directions, trust Him in everything, and be patient.”

We consistently receive requests from inmates and chaplains alike for one specific study Bible: The Life Recovery Bible. Now in its second edition, the Life Recovery Bible was edited by Stephen Arterburn and Dr. David Stoop to lead its readers to hope and healing found in God’s Word.

In addition to containing the many great Bible book introductions, reading plans, and study notes, this Bible will also have a specially designed CLI Prison Alliance cover. Normally all materials that we donate are stamped with an invitation to enroll in our Inmate Bible Study Courses. With this customized cover page, more inmates will be able to learn about the other discipleship resources provided through our ministry.

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Our Program

For twenty-five years, CLI Prison Alliance has been making disciples behind bars by reaching the lost and equipping believers. We lead inmates to Christ by distributing Bibles, Christian books, and evangelistic tracts. Then we disciple inmates and equip them to become disciple-makers through our correspondence-based Bible studies.

We aim to glorify God by sharing His love with the imprisoned. More than two million people live behind bars today in the United States. As we help inmates mature in their faith, we believe that they will glorify God among their family, community, and church. CLI Prison Alliance partners with chaplains, ministry leaders, inmates, and volunteers to accomplish our mission. In 2020, we saw God bless these efforts to make a spiritual difference in the lives of inmates. Over 4,348 inmates made decisions for Christ, 301,525 Bible and Books were distributed, and 18,936 Bible Study Lessons were reviewed.